Sue larkey online training

Sue larkey online training

Join Sue as she shares simple yet effective tips, supports and strategies on a range of topics including social skills, communication and positive behaviour support. Sue Larkey is uniquely positioned within the education system having taught both as a primary school teacher and a special education teacher. She combines this practical experience with extensive research, having completed a Masters in Special Education and currently undertaking a Doctorate of Education, focusing on inclusive education. Sue is unashamedly passionate about her mission — to inspire parents and educators and teach them how to Make it a Success.

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Join Sue as she shares simple yet effective tips, supports and strategies on a range of topics including social skills, communication and positive behaviour support. Sue Larkey is uniquely positioned within the education system having taught both as a primary school teacher and a special education teacher. She combines this practical experience with extensive research, having completed a Masters in Special Education and currently undertaking a Doctorate of Education, focusing on inclusive education.

Sue is unashamedly passionate about her mission — to inspire parents and educators and teach them how to Make it a Success. Discussed in this episode Strategies have been taken from The Essential Guide to Secondary School By Sue Larkey and Anna Tullemans In my experience one of the biggest challenges for staff and students with autism is the number of staff Discussed in this episode And now some children are going back to school one day a week.

It's all very confusing, stressful and uncertain. Timers allow you to pre-warn the student about activities finishing Discussed in this episode During these stressful and uncertain times, it is vital that we help our students understand what coronavirus is and why everything is changing all the time.

This is because uncertainty can often result in intense feelings Discussed in this episode Children on the autism spectrum often can struggle with processing verbal or written cues. This is why it can be so effective to use visuals when teaching students with autism. Visuals include real objects, parts of Discussed in this episode I have created some strategies and ideas to help students with autism or ADHD complete homework.

Be aware that often students with autism or ADHD complete homework but don't hand it in. This can be due Discussed in this episode The power of preventative breaks and how you can use them to make a difference Make sure you listen to the end of the podcast to find out how you can enter the draw for a Show notes Show notes and special survey for How to respectfully explain to other children why someone is behaving in a certain way What before and after school prep can parents do to prevent a bad spell Help with sports environments e.

Sue answers some more questions with specific books and products that could help with them. Also some tips and Sue talks about this years Christmas catalogue. When I worked as an outreach teacher supporting students in mainstream schools.

I created some easy to use cheat sheets for the staff and the students I supported. The more information we share the more we can prepare! But I Transition includes change in teacher, change in room, change in students in the class not just starting preschool, school, high school and beyond.

The nature of ASD is such that transition can be extremely stressful, no matter what age or A walk through the actual books in my bookshelf including my own books and others that I use on a regular basis.

If you subscribe to me e-newsletter this podcast will follow alone with the electronic catalogue that reads like My rant about the amount of kids with ASD being sent out of the classroom, sent to the office, sent home or suspended from school per year and my thoughts about teaching emotional literacy to help reduce these incredible numbers For all children, a good night's sleep is necessary in order to learn effectively the next day.

Research has found that two thirds of children with autism have sleep problems, fragmented sleep and early awakenings. I recently did a poll Nocturnal enuresis is involuntary urination while asleep. This can be very challenging for kids with autism, and their families and carers. It is through play that young children learn about and make sense of the world. They experiment with being a Mum or Dad as they act out what they have observed in daily life, e. Sometimes you need to be a detective to recognise sensory difficulties as the underlying cause of a problem.

Join the facebook group specifically for Special interests, fixations and self-stimulation are often a very important part of life for someone with autism. They are usually their only form of relaxation and down time.

Special interests and fixations often give the child something they can control Puberty is part of natural development for all children. Puberty usually starts in girls around and boys Menstruation for girls typically occurs between 12 and 13, while voice changes for boys is often around We ALL need Have you noticed these signs in a child you know: Unorganised, often loses or forgets homework Rarely completes tests on time and leaves multiple questions unanswered on timed exams Can't perform simple maths problems, sequences and calculations Turns in incomplete Recognising and exploring the relationship between ASD and mental health difficulties is vital, so each can be addressed successfully.

By regulating the amount and intensity of stimulation it helps to keep the nervous system calm, organised and focused.

The playground is often an extremely confusing environment for children on the spectrum. Playgrounds can be overwhelming in many ways; socially, sensorially and behaviourally. Many children with ASD do not feel the need or motivated to communicate as everyone in their environment thinks for them, gives them what they want or even anticipates their needs. Many children with ASD have Mind Blindness, meaning they are often literal and don't know the inferred intent of language.

This often leads to difficulty understanding another person's perspective. This can mean certain words are often very confusing, for example, Information for families who have recently received a diagnosis for their children or are waiting for a diagnosis.

Also information for teachers and educators. Things discussed are what to do, where to go to what to do next. The emotional world for people on the spectrum can be very scary! Emotions often come without warning and are difficult to label and connect to a cause, which leaves the person unable to control them.

Sue answers questions asked via the Sue Larkey facebook group. Your Questions Answered about Online Learning Here are the most commonly asked questions about my online training courses. If you want more information about them Sue talks about the latest newsletter and some of the thinking behind these newsletters. Sue also give a summary of the key points she covers for this term.

Sue talk about what it was like when she was unable to speak after an operation on her throat. Insights on how it feels to not be able to communicate quickly and being treated differently because of it. A unique For a different style podcast this week, Sue discusses with her partner Andrew an experience going into a classroom and seeing a dis-engaged student needing help and talks about how she quickly assessed where they were at and what techniques Interoception refers to the ability to perceive and understand your internal sensations and emotions.

This occurs through receptors located throughout your body which communicate to your brain. When the interoceptive system is working properly, you are motivated to take action The Podcast App. All podcasts. What's Sue Larkey Podcast about? Download our free app to listen on your phone. Sue Larkey Podcast episodes: Where to go?

What Next? Older episodes. Other shows like Sue Larkey Podcast:.

ONLINE TRAINING & COURSES. ONLINE COURSE #1 - Sue Larkey - Teaching Strategies and Behaviour Solutions. (Term. Courses and Resources to Help You Teach Children on the Autism Spectrum and Make a Difference. ~ Increase autism spectrum disorder online training.

He has recorded on video my replies to many diverse questions and has over 5 hours of my thoughts and comments on many aspects of Asperger's Syndrome. Access the play list of questions and videos from this link. Visit Sue' site for more information. Hosted on Sue Larkey's site. Naomi has experience with individuals across the lifespan, and particularly with children and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Intellectual Disabilities.

All Means All is the Australian Alliance for Inclusive Education, a nationwide multi-stakeholder alliance working together to implement an inclusive education system for all students.

To learn more about teaching or understanding ASD please visit my websites below. Sue Larkey is uniquely positioned within the education system having taught both as a primary school teacher and a special education teacher. She combines this practical experience with extensive research, having completed a Masters in Special Education and currently undertaking a Doctorate of Education, focusing on inclusive education.

Educational resources

Courses and Resources to Help You Teach Children on the Autism Spectrum and Make a Difference


Sue Larkey Podcast

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