Wikipedia index zim

Wikipedia index zim

Gozim was created with the ambition to give unlimited access to knowledge to as many people possible in any imaginable context. In short, Gozim gives you a copy of the full Wikipedia library accessible offline at all times on your computer. Think about accessing any wikipedia article you might need during a power outage, a remote expedition, a natural disaster, or during a visit to an internet-restricted country! Thanks to Gozim, any classroom in the world could potentially access and work on Wikipedia, free of any internet connexion. Click here to give it a try This instance runs a full Wikipedia copy, on a Scaleway C1 ARM computer graciously hosted by Scaleway , running gozimhttpd. Thanks to the Kiwix, a full dump of all Wikipedia entries in different languages is provided in a single file.

ZIM (file format)

I am a fond user of Wikipedia , so I was interested to find out how to use it when I have no Internet connection. On my mobile phone, I already use the free and open-source Aard Dictionary , but for space reasons I only have the French Wikipedia , without images, and with some formatting glitches.

On my computers, where I have more space and where it is easier to set things up, I wanted to have more, so that I can have a usable Wikipedia when I'm on the train, in a plane, or in a place with a crappy Internet connection.

This blog post explains how to set up a local Wikipedia mirror using Kiwix. Start by downloading Kiwix and unpacking it. Fortunately, Kiwix also includes the kiwix-serve program that can serve dumps as a regular Web server.

Next, download the dumps for the projects that you want. Ideally I would be interested in generating my own dumps, but I haven't looked into this yet. Next, to be able to perform full-text search, you must index the dumps. Maybe the pre-indexed dumps can be used, I haven't tried. I indexed them manually instead. For each file a. The process takes a lot of time hours or so but does not require any interaction. The indexes take another 30 GB. To serve all dumps with kiwix-serve , you need to build a library.

First, move the. I use wen. Now run, for each file a. It is safer to use absolute paths throughout. This should have created the library file wiki. If it does, you probably want to arrange for this command to be run at startup. Please note that Kiwix will also be available from other machines, not just localhost. I couldn't find a way to change this behavior.

For now, I use iptables to filter incoming connections from other hosts:. The last step, if you use Firefox, is to use Smart Keywords to be able to reach your local dump efficiently.

To do this, for every of the dumps that you have on localhost , right-click on the search text field and add a keyword for it. As I use Firefox Sync , those bookmarks are synchronized across my different machines. These smart keywords work for full-text search in the dumps. If you want to have bookmarks that directly reach articles and will never perform full-text search because it is faster , you can edit the bookmarks in Firefox to set "Location" to, e. However, this technique does not work with all dumps it depends on the URL structure , and in this case you must remember that the first letter of the search term must be uppercase.

In terms of formatting, the Kiwix dumps are fairly OK. There are occasional glitches e. Equations are supported, and images are there if you pick the right dumps. Most templates, formatting, etc. The HTML interface added by kiwix-serve is not perfect but it's mostly unobtrusive.

Index of /sites/ Icon Name Last 31M [ ] wikipedia_be-tarask_all_maxi_zim M [ ]. No information is available for this page.

If I were to lose access to the entire internet for the rest of my life, one of the websites I would miss the most would have to be Wikipedia. Wikipedia has ended countless arguments, informed me of how old and single some of my favorite actresses are, and helped me brush up on thousands of historical topics. It's also the sixth most popular website globally. So, what if there was a zombie apocalypse or the internet crashed , taking down Wikipedia forever?

Several schools and similar places where kids have access to a computer, don't have an internet connection, and they don't have the budget to purchase electronic encyclopaedias either, hence the kids lose out on a wealth of knowledge when in reality they are the ones who need it the most.

Pages in Zim Pages in Zim are stored as text files in normal folders and subfolders in your file system. The file name is used as page name.

ZIM File Archive

Name: Kiran Mathew Koshy Email: kiranmathewkoshy gmail. M, P. M to A. Wikipedia has played a tremendous role in making the world's information available for free. Unfortunately, a feature that is missing is a proper update feature.

Download Wikipedia for Offline Use

Wikipedia is available for free download, in its entirety, at www. I was able to download it at a public access point and transfer it to the hard drive of my home computer. It comes compiled as a single compressed. This is great if you are in prison, on a boat, or in an RV in the middle of nowhere. Or if you are in a country that restricts access to the internet. You can have Wikipedia with you wherever you go. I don't have internet at home, so having an offline version of Wikipedia on my home computer has been a huge blessing, as it allows me and my family to access nearly 5. Downloading Wikipedia sounds simple enough but the logistics involved can get kinda tricky and require a bit of planning. I will help you.

GitHub is home to over 50 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together.

I am a fond user of Wikipedia , so I was interested to find out how to use it when I have no Internet connection. On my mobile phone, I already use the free and open-source Aard Dictionary , but for space reasons I only have the French Wikipedia , without images, and with some formatting glitches. On my computers, where I have more space and where it is easier to set things up, I wanted to have more, so that I can have a usable Wikipedia when I'm on the train, in a plane, or in a place with a crappy Internet connection. This blog post explains how to set up a local Wikipedia mirror using Kiwix.

Index of /pub/kiwix/zim/wikipedia/

By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy , Privacy Policy , and our Terms of Service. Super User is a question and answer site for computer enthusiasts and power users. It only takes a minute to sign up. I downloaded the portable version of Wikipedia the complete one. That was about But when i try to search in kiwix it asks me to create index. Creating index will take huge time and space why doesn't it uses the already created index. I didn't install kiwix i am using the portable version. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. Asked 6 years ago. Active 3 years, 5 months ago.

Zim - A Desktop Wiki

Mediawiki contents can be organised for offline reading, but this takes some work. ZIM files and then using the Kiwix reader. The format allows for the compression of articles, features a full-text search index and native category and image handling similar to MediaWiki, and the entire file is easily indexable and readable using a program like Kiwix — unlike native Wikipedia XML database dumps. Its file compression uses LZMA2, as implemented by the xz-utils library. This requires some installation and configuration work. Investigating also the possibility to outsource this to the kiwi folks Daniel K.

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