Oil tap ark

Oil tap ark

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Oil Vein (Scorched Earth)

By Scrysis , September 11, in PC. I've been having an issue somewhat consistently with oil pumps. I play single player right now, so I'm not sure if this applies to multiplayer as well.

The oil nodes I built on are some distance away from my base I need the oil, and they're not in the best of locations for water, so no base. The problem comes when I have to load in the area after a while, either on restarting the game, or when I've just been out of the area. The oil pumps don't have an inventory or an option to access them. The only option I get is to demolish them. I've had at least one instance where the pumps bugged out this way just after 15 oil.

When I demolish and replace the pumps, they go back to working as per normal usage. I could understand if the pumps failed because they were broken and had to be fixed, or after a certain amount of oil, but this only seems to tie into loading the area, not how long they've been running or other measurements like that.

I'm having this issue in my sp game as well. Placed two around green tower. Worked for a little while, then when I came back to check them, I couldn't access inventory. The only option available was demolish. I just left them there hoping this gets fixed soon. I had this problem with the electric generator and the oil pumps for a couple of days. It seems that when you leave the area where they are it somehow for some reason bugs out and you cannot repair or access the inventory.

I finally figured out that doing a complete reboot of the game on my computer fixed the issue temporarily. My husband wasn't getting the problem on his computer but I was quite frequently.

I have not had the issue in the last couple of days so I completely forgot about it until I just read your post. I don't know if it will help but it's what worked for me. I'll give that a shot. I live on the old river bed near the center of the map and popped a couple of these down on oil patches near green tower.

I never log out there, so maybe what you're describing could help me use them until they get them fixed. I can confirm this issue is still happening in single player, but it's not just oil pumps.

The wind generator is affected as well. I have 3 bases each with a wind generator and one of the bases has oil fields. If I restart singleplayer while I'm in my base with the wind turbine and oil pumps, they work perfectly fine but the other 2 bases won't generate any power from the wind turbines.

I then log off at another base and that wind turbine works again, but the oil pumps can't be accessed and the other two bases won't generate any electricity from the turbines. I know it's not that there simply isn't wind because the wind turbine is moving and my outlets are flickering like they have power, but nothing is powered. Please fix this bug, it's driving me crazy. Also, while I'm on a rant I would love to see the singleplayer cave spawn issue addressed, it appears that's still a massive singleplayer issue that the caves don't spawn animals and chests don't respawn for ridiculous amounts of time if you aren't in the area.

I'm glad I read that. I knew the oil pumps were bugged, but I didn't know about the wind turbines. I was about to start a remote egg storage and hatching facility in the desert near my base, but I'll hold off now. I think it might be affecting water wells too. I place the ones I find in drops on random water veins around the map, and I can walk up to them and tap E to drink.

But if I come back later, I have to hold E and go into the radial menu to drink. No big deal, but while they're fixing things I also had a situation with the Water Wells happen.

I had to fly down to the well and then follow the pipe back up to the base to get the tap to be useable again. The water well situation did but all of the other stuff with the generator and the pumps he has not had a problem with at all. He is running on Linux and I'm on Windows 7 64 bit and obviously we are playing on an individual server not single player. So I see in the bug fixes that they have addressed the well issue refilling taps, but can anyone tell me if this is still an issue with oil pumps and wind turbines?

I'm about a week away from being home to load up ark and check myself. I've actually never had an issue with turbines, but I do with oil pumps. And I went to check on them last night after seeing the patch notes that wells had been fixed. My oil pumps still aren't working. Well considering oil pumps are THE most popular item that spawns in drops, just demolish it and place another. I must have 30x oil pumps that I collected from drops and jusrt dumped in a crate. Confirmed in my SP as of time stamp of this post.

I have found a work around peeps. Go to your oil wells and exit the game. Then start the game. The pump or pumps in that area will now be accessible.

I have not tested leaving that area and coming back, because I just AFK there for a while the collect the oil for my needs. I'm having an issue with this as well and exiting the game and getting back into it doesn't fix it, it makes the issue reappear.

When I do this, I can finally access their inventories. Unfortunately, I have to do this every time I get back into the game. Oh and I should note that I'm referring to single player mode, I haven't tried this out on a server. Start new topic. Recommended Posts. Posted September 11, Share this post Link to post Share on other sites. Posted September 18, Posted September 19, Posted September 21, I'm on single player as well.

Posted September 26, This thread is two weeks old. No comment from WC yet? Posted September 30, Posted October 2, Posted October 8, Posted October 9, Posted October 10, Go To Topic Listing. Sign In Sign Up.

This article is about content exclusively available in the version on Steam, Xbox One, PS4. This creature, item, or feature is not yet released in the version on. The Arklahoma line is tapped near Yran Buren for a substation which feeds the to provide three oil circuit breakers at Brown, one on each side of the tap and.

A thick blob of oily ink. Can be refined into fuel. It can be harvested from dark stones near oil patches in the ocean by using a Pickaxe. It can also be obtained from above-water oil deposits found in and around Whitesky Peak on the island, the top left snow mountain on Ragnarok, or by killing Basilosaurus , Trilobite , Leech , and Enforcer. Another way to acquire Oil is to tame creatures that produce Oil, such as the Dung Beetle.

By Scrysis , September 11, in PC.

There are 22 Oil Veins located in 16 distinct locations. Oil Veins must have an Oil Pump placed on top of it to produce Oil. Once a pump is placed, it will produce 1 unit of Oil inside the inventory of the pump every 20 seconds.

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