- Guest Posts

- Guest Posts

As any savvy inbound marketer knows, blogging is a vital tool for attracting the right visitors to your website. Generally, guest bloggers write for similar blogs within their industry in order to:. Boost their domain authority using external links to high-authority domains. Almost always, guest blogging offers mutual benefits for both the guest blogger and the website hosting the guest content. In other words, guest blogging is a two-way street — so when you decide to hop on the guest blogging bandwagon, you should consider featuring posts by guest bloggers on your own website, too. Guest blogging offers a number of benefits for any business.

The Ultimate Guide to an Effective Guest Blogging Strategy in 2020

Not to mention powerful backlinks that have significantly improved my Google rankings. Technique 2: Google Reverse Image Search. For example, Noah Kagan tends to contribute to a lot of blogs in the marketing space. Which means you can find sites that are actively on the hunt for guest posts. I never thought of the fact that [Insert something they said in the comment]. Why spend hours searching for guest posting opportunities when other people have already done the hard work for you?

For example, I recently published this guest post on the Buffer blog :. Share their stuff on Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest:. Blog Comment: Take a few minutes to leave legitimately insightful and helpful comments on their site.

Specifically, I used [Technique or tip from their post]. And it [Results]! No matter how you find them, these topics are proven to generate shares, traffic and comments. Next, head over to BuzzSumo. What have other people posted already? This will give you an idea of what the site owner looks for when vetting posts. For example, when I looked at the Buffer blog, I noticed that most of their guest posts were case studies.

You may have noticed my comment on your post on [Article] awesome article by the way. Tier 1: These are the top undisputed authority sites in your niche. Sites that you can name off the top of your head. Sites you actually visit, read and follow. Tier 2: Tier 2 sites that are blogs that are acceptable enough to warrant a high quality guest post.

Content for tier 1 sites should be as good or better than what you post on your own blog. Remember: Authority sites are authorities because they only post quality stuff. Custom Screenshots, Flowcharts and Images: Include lots of screenshots and other visuals.

These help you stand out… and adds lots of meaty value to the post. Yes, it took some extra effort to find posts from their blog to link to. But in the end, it showed the Buffer team that I actually cared. This is a win-win-win: The site you guest posted on gets some traffic. And you share an awesome blog post with your community. Send a Thank You Note: I usually send Tier 1 sites a quick follow up email letting them know I appreciated the opportunity. Again: this is something that no one does.

So this little thank you note really helps you stand out. It also keeps the line open for the next time you want to guest post on their site. In fact, I build an extra email subscribers using this simple strategy on my Buffer guest post:. Big sites get lots of visitors. Bottom line? The more comments a blog gets, the more traffic you can expect from your guest post. Fantastic article! Newbies should remember that writing posts just for backlinks is a bad idea.

On the Warrior Forum, article marketers like Bill Platt never write unique content for a blog unless it has massive amount of traffic. Good call Andrii. Great article…. I really like the tips on warming up your prospects! Thanks Jon! I tried to emphasize the relationship factor because lots of people overlook that and simply try to force their guest post onto other bloggers. This is exactly what I was looking. Thanks for sharing this. Ii am going to apply what you suggested and let you know my experience with you.

Really good article Brian. I found a lot of great tips in this article and especially in your 17 Untapped Backling Sources article. Thanks Adrian! Glad to hear I could help you out. Feel free to email me if you have any questions. What are your thoughts on this?

Great point, Jonathan. It makes me wonder why I waste my time guest blogging. Then I look at my analytics — see the difference in conversions — and start banging out another guest post. Thanks TJ! I tried to make it the best one on the web Please let me know if you have any questions about the process.

Thanks Mike! A great guide to guest posting. I just signed up for MBG and used Backlinko as a referral. I am diving into the site now, it look great! Such an EPIC article on guest blogging. I have bookmarked this as I was not able to read it completely. So going to read it later. Thanks for sharing my guide, Kulwant! Send me an email if you have any questions about guest blogging.

Great article Brian. I actually read this article and focused primarily on the pitch. I love the way you crafted the email and the brevity that you used. Keep up the good work. Thanks Praverb. Let me know how it works out for you. Great information presented in a way that makes it extremely easy to scan for specific information when checking back. Many articles on this subject make it a real pain to search through for a specific step. Thanks McKenzie! I tried to make it easy to follow and to skim!

Let me know if you have any questions about anything in the guide. Great Post. I have been trying to guest post for a while with limited success, but will have another go using some of your methods.

Thanks Tom! This should definitely help you land top quality guest post placements. Really glad to hear that, Sameh. Brian, I am starting my guest blogging campaign from next months, and you have explained each crucial point in very detailed and smart way.

I am going to use your tips to get quality blogs for doing guest blogging and going to pitch them as suggested by you. Can you please give me link of any scrapebox tutorial where I can do all these search in easy way? Glad to hear that, Kulwant. Hey Lee. I am just new to this world of guest posting, but recently I have been reading that guest posting era has come to an end, can you give you thoughts about it. Thanks for the read. SEO companies who employ people to submit x amount of guest post for their clients per week are failing and yes, those websites will get hit.

Hi Brian, Superb article! I read a lot of articles about linking building but none of them is so engaging as yours, thank you so much.

I have a question. Does Link building using comments is work? There still a lot of people trying to post comments on websites. Does this strategy still works or it is considered as spam?

Find Guest Posting Prospects. Before you write a single word you need to have a list of sites that openly accept guest posts. While you can. To help you get out of the research process I have listed below a big list of sites that accept guest posts. Before reaching out for guest posting.

I highly recommend them as a part of your content marketing strategy. Lots of useful tools I still use regularly. Guest posting is writing an article or piece of content and having it published on a website.

Last Updated on May 2, You need to up your game.

Here are just a couple of examples to prove our point. Elna Cain used a guest blogging strategy to make a full-time income from freelance writing. And Buffer used guest blogging to attract , customers.

The Ultimate Guide to Guest Blogging

Not to mention powerful backlinks that have significantly improved my Google rankings. Technique 2: Google Reverse Image Search. For example, Noah Kagan tends to contribute to a lot of blogs in the marketing space. Which means you can find sites that are actively on the hunt for guest posts. I never thought of the fact that [Insert something they said in the comment]. Why spend hours searching for guest posting opportunities when other people have already done the hard work for you?

3 Ways Guest Posting Can Help Grow Your Online Audience

So today, we are going to look at exactly how you can get guest blogging opportunities and make the most out of them. Before we begin, your first task is to decide what your goal for guest blogging is. Knowing this goal ahead of time is key in determining the right kind of blogs to submit guest posts to. Typically there are three main goals for guest blogging. With the right kind of content on the top blogs, you can do all three of these things. If you are trying to accomplish either 1 or 2, then you will want to find blogs that have a good sized and engaged audience. If you are just trying to accomplish 3, then you need to pinpoint blogs with strong root domain authority. You can check this for free using the SEOmoz toolbar.

Editor introduction: Welcome to our guide on guest blogging in SEO.

More than I ever have, in fact, in over six years of steady blogging. So why bother?

Guest Blogging: The Definitive Guide

Here's a question we get a lot from clients: What is a guest post? How is it different than a regular blog post? A Guest Post is a an article written and posted on someone else's blog. Guest posts are valuable tools for reputation marketing for a number reasons like getting your brand mentioned or occupying branded search query results. But most people use them to embed backlinks. Guest posts are abused though, and we'll get to that later in this article. We'll assume you are doing it both get the word out and hope to get a link back to one of your own web properties. Here are a few guidelines about writing guest posts you should know. There is a lot of information on the internet about this subject and we have included links to a number of good resources at the bottom of this article. But here are the quick and simple basics. Almost anyone can write a guest post, but few can write a really good one that goes viral. You can't generally "make" a post go viral. It just needs to be helpful, on-topic and well-written to generate traffic and link juice over time. A good guest post is on-topic, relevant and can be of various lengths. More like words.

Guest Blogging in 2020: How I Wrote 80+ Guest Posts in 1 Year

Through guest blogging outreach, you can tap into existing, relevant audiences and introduce your brand to a big batch of new readers. However, in order to succeed, you need to know how to find and qualify the best guest posting sites, write content that fits the target site, and reach out to editors in a way that gets you noticed. The first step in effective guest blogging outreach is finding the right websites to pitch. You need to create a list of sites that will help you connect with your target audience. To find guest blogging sites , you can use the Alexa Audience Overlap Tool. With the Audience Overlap Tool , first enter a target website. The target website may be your site, or the site of a competitor you know has an audience you would like to reach.

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