- Guest Posts - 2

- Guest Posts - 2

We will only use this email to respond to you on your feedback. Privacy Policy. How many times have you heard variations of this statement on marketing blogs and forums? Despite evidence to the contrary, there are still a number of pervasive myths and beliefs about guest blogging, especially when it is used as a link building strategy. I have published over 1, articles for myself and my clients in the last decade.

The Ultimate Guide to Guest Posting in 2020

For blogs, I have found no other direct path that is more consistent than guest blogging. Hey Danny, glad to have this opportunity to talk with you today. What do you look for in a blog before deciding to offer up a guest post? Are there any numbers subscribers, unique visitors, page rank that you factor in when deciding to pursue a guest post on a new blog? But whatever the reason, double-check to make sure that the target blog is capable of meeting your expectations.

How do you usually like to break the ice when talking with a new author for a guest post? How do you approach researching a good idea for a guest post for a new blog? Yes, I do, and I also want to point out that the research should precede the approach when you approach the blogger, it should be with an idea of what you want to write about.

Then think about the intersection between what you write about and what performs best on the site, and what you can write about that would be new and valuable to the target audience. What guest posts of yours have done particularly well?

What are a few ways that a guest author can stand out in a blog that publishes a lot of guest posts? Any particular strategies in writing an enticing byline? I think the key to doing a good job is in addition to the research , just putting in the time and effort to make the writing really solid, and the content really valuable.

Your initial goals should be to make a list of every decent blog in your niche, and try your absolute best to make your way onto all of them. Intro: Thanks for taking the time to chat with me today Oni, your writing and guest blogging productivity and quality!

You now take an approach of writing for any PR2 blog that is willing to have you, but what was your strategy early on?

How did you come up with a list of blogs that you thought would be great to guest post for? What should bloggers look for in a blog that they might submit a guest post to? Initially, when I was new to blogging and just heard the concept of guest blogging, I used to write on any blog I would come across, small or big, and I never really had the chance to see how powerful guest blogging could be until I landed my first guest post on an A-list blog.

It was after that big guest post that I started paying more attention to big blogs and writing more guest posts for them, because in terms of instant traffic, a guest post on a big blog can send you ten times the traffic from a smaller blog. After taking a look at my traffic graphs and the results from my guest blogging efforts, only to see that the hundreds of visitors from most of these big blogs hardly stick, I decided to change my approach and start focusing on smaller blogs again.

My main reason for writing the guest posts is for SEO — I write a post on my blog, link to the post in my guest post, and enjoy long term traffic from the search engines as a result which is far better than enjoying a few hundred visitors from an A-list blog instantly.

When writing a guest post for a new blog, what elements do you look at? Do things such as recent posts, style of writing on that blog, and other aspects of the blog factor in to what you decide to write about?

I take a look at the latest 10 or so posts, the most recent guest posts published and what is common among them, the most popular posts, and what the readers complain about the most in the comments. That gives me an idea of the kind of content that gets published on that blog, and at the same time ensures the guest post I write becomes popular, thereby creating an opportunity for future posts between me and the blogger.

What kind of post styles work well with guest posting? How do try to make your articles stand out on blogs that accept a lot of guest posts? Do you have any guest posts that did particularly well?

What about them made them a success in your opinion? If you can write a post listing 7 ways, or 10 ways, to do something then it is almost bound to be accepted. One of my guest posts that did well due to this approach is this one published on Problogger — It sent me over 1, visitors, and led to over subscribers total, making it one of my best guest posts ever. Seriously, I was hoping he would go into the exact angles that he did, because I think that they are absolutely right.

Transportation is key to why they work. For example an aspirational Hollywood movie with a can-do spirit might convince us that we can tackle any problem, despite what we know about how the real world works. Also, when concentrating on a story people are less aware that they are subject to a persuasion attempt: the message get in under the radar. The last thing that Oni talks about is a bit more tried and true: using guest blogging for SEO traffic.

PS: Georgina is also a very talented writer as well as handling the busy schedule of the Problogger blogs. Do you prefer to see outlines or a complete post? How can bloggers make your life easier, such as preformatting posts, outlining ideas in the email, etc.? This is a great question, because too few authors realise that the simpler you make life for the editor or content manager, the better. If those authors had pitched their ideas beforehand, they could have reshaped their posts and potentially had them accepted.

In terms of formatting, read the submission guidelines as a first step. Generally, I love it when people send me HTML versions of their work, though every editor will have their own preference on that.

In what ways can bloggers make their guest post stand out? Are there any particular ways that guests posts can leave a positive impression on you? These guys showed from the outset that they understood our blog and our readership, and now they regularly boost their exposure and readership by publishing with us. The question of making your post stand out touches on an interesting point, because I think the answer applies to all writing. To be worth publishing—to be worth reading—you must have something new to say.

Next, I start thinking about the outlets where I could publish them. Which site, and audience, will be as intrigued as I am about this crazy idea I want to explain? And as an editor myself, I know that the people who are passionate about their ideas usually turn out the best content. What are some critical errors that bloggers make when submitting you a guest post styling, topic, quality, etc.

How would you recommend that bloggers keep the quality high in the guest posts that they submit? The only one of these issues that justifies an instant rejection is stale ideas, or ideas that have already been covered fully on the site. If you get a rejection, work out why that is. We all want great content, after all. If you can actually use the rejection feedback to inform your next pitch, you might well make the cut.

The difference is that the first group took on board the feedback—perhaps they even replied to me to discuss it further if they wanted more detail—and then they used it to build pitches for pieces that really brought amazing value to our readers. How has your guest posting been going so far? About Writing. A Brief Guide to Guest Posting. There are no shortcuts to success, only direct paths. Learn from them: Who Is Danny Iny? Danny Iny is the very smart guy behind Fire Pole Marketing. Use the post and headline structures as a starting point in creating your own post and headline.

Who Is Onibalusi? As a result, I got over subscribers from that one guest post alone. Just that this time, things are a little different. How can you implement a story into you next guest post? Put your best foot forward above all else! Who is Georgina Laidlaw? Getting published by other people really is a matter of relationships in many ways. Also, when you pitch, talk a little about what the post will cover. Danny Iny has published with us many, many times.

It just takes a small commitment of time. An hour is a small investment to make to get that kind of ongoing exposure. What writing stands out?

Writing that says something new. Editors reject articles, not authors. What editor can ask for more than that? Over To You How has your guest posting been going so far? What changes to your guest blogging strategy will you be making after reading this post?

wiacek.com.au has been the leader in Guest posting service. Our guest post service at $27 le Guest Post puts your site. The great guest blogging services. your order, including the DA, number of words, number of links and images. STEP 2. And you'll see a mix of sites that recently published guest posts or But if the site only tends to get blog comments per post (or less), you.

Guest blogging puts your content on well-respected websites in your community. It helps to position you as a thought leader and can gain new leads without coming off like sales-speak or spam. A guest blog can provide content of real value to readers, along with the benefit a website that already has significant readership. Then, imagine your content on these sites, free of charge. Your content would get in front of thousands of readers who look up to these brands, trust them, and turn to them for advice and information.

We enjoy adapting our strategies to offer every client the best solutions that are at the forefront of the industry.

Before you write a single word you need to have a list of sites that openly accept guest posts. While you can sometimes schmooze your way to an exclusive guest blogging opportunity, it makes sense to start off with sites that accept guest blogs with open arms. Want More Traffic?

Make the Most of Guest Blogging: Second-Tier Link Building

Blogging is the heart of any content marketing strategy. Producing your own original content showcases your voice, your knowledge builds trust among your readers and positions you as more than a service provider: it gives your company a personality and your writers as experts. And make no mistake, guest posting undoubtedly takes extra effort. You might be wondering if guest posting is worth it as part of your marketing strategy. Moreover, it carries all the benefits that blogging for your business does.

The Definitive Guide to Using Guest Blogging as a Link Building Strategy

Guest posting falls into the second category. No wonder that 2 out of 3 bloggers write guest posts. To identify spammers, Google also takes into account the relevance of the link. Google gives each website a specific authority score. The authority score of the referring website is taken into account to give a weight to each backlink that you receive. To put it simply, a relevant backlink from an authoritative website such as The New York Times will have a much bigger impact than a link from a small blog. Even though its exact formula is kept secret, a few players in the industry provide estimations of this score with different SEO metrics. Before contacting the author of the website, make sure its authority is sufficient to have a positive impact on your SEO.

Link building is the website promotional strategy for acquiring direct inbound links to your site.

For blogs, I have found no other direct path that is more consistent than guest blogging. Hey Danny, glad to have this opportunity to talk with you today. What do you look for in a blog before deciding to offer up a guest post? Are there any numbers subscribers, unique visitors, page rank that you factor in when deciding to pursue a guest post on a new blog?

How to find guest post opportunities: The ultimate cheatsheet

Did guest blogging die? Not at all. Thousands of people still use this strategy to build links to their site. High-quality guest blogging, on the other hand, is not only alive and well, but also remains highly effective. It works so well, in fact, that we use this tactic to build top-quality links to ahrefs. How do I know? The results were disappointing. How long do you think all that would take? Plus, if everyone follows this same process, then everyone finds the same opportunities. Your pitch will be one of the many these bloggers receive every single day. Enter: Content Explorer. Enter any word or phrase, and Content Explorer will kick back a huge list of web pages that mention the keyword. Roughly 90K! We need a list of individual blogs which write about that topic. The solution?

Why You Should Be Writing Guest Posts

Strong SEO requires strong content, and one of the best ways to boost your SEO is to extend your content's reach by contributing to high-authority sites. If you're an expert in the marketing industry, it won't be very helpful to pitch editors at publications about, say, cooking. Not only would it be pretty much impossible to contribute content that far off-topic, but even if you did manage to publish there, those links from irrelevant sites wouldn't help you achieve long-term SEO benefits. I know that sounds simple, but I bet you could ask just about any publication editor and she'd have a story for you about the most recent time someone tried shopping around a totally random article that had no place on her site. The publications you target should be reputable authorities within your industry, not spammy content farms. A good rule of thumb about whether a site is authoritative enough is to ask yourself whether you'd be comfortable sharing an article from this publication with your friends and professional connections on social media. If not, keep looking.

Guest Posting: The Ultimate Guide for Marketing Writers

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