Artist trading card templates

Artist trading card templates

Last year, I was introduced to artist trading cards, or ATCs. These tiny works of art are the size of a standard baseball trading card, and are swapped by artists through online trades or organized trading sessions around the world. Media, materials, and techniques are totally up to the individual artist, so cards can be rubber stamped, painted, collaged, screen-printed, or created by any method imaginable. ATCs are ideal for those who like small, quick projects, for testing new techniques, trying out new rubber stamps, or just playing.

Artist Trading Card Basics

Last year, I was introduced to artist trading cards, or ATCs. These tiny works of art are the size of a standard baseball trading card, and are swapped by artists through online trades or organized trading sessions around the world. Media, materials, and techniques are totally up to the individual artist, so cards can be rubber stamped, painted, collaged, screen-printed, or created by any method imaginable. ATCs are ideal for those who like small, quick projects, for testing new techniques, trying out new rubber stamps, or just playing.

ATC examples are not easy to find, but there are a few artists sharing their work online. Empress Dragon provides art galleries filled with ATC work, and also some great tips and templates for those wanting to get started. Both sites offer lists of links to other ATC artist web sites. I also have a few examples of ATCs posted in my own online gallery.

For the newcomer, the easiest place to find other ATC enthusiasts is Nervousness , home of all types of interesting land mail art objects. For rubber stamp enthusiasts, there is ArtTradingCards at Yahoo.

Skip to content. January 8, November 10, A few ATC tips: The back of your cards should contain your name, any contact information you wish to provide, and the number or series of the card.

Some artists start numbering their cards with number 1, and just keep going. How you number is totally up to you. Dimensional embellishment is acceptable, but remember that your finished card must fit into a standard trading card sleeve. Making cards larger than the established dimensions is poor form, and will make your cards less desirable when swapping.

When choosing stamps and collage materials, remember to scale everything down a little. The small size of an ATC lends itself to smaller designs that might get lost in larger collages or altered books.

Save your littlest items for your ATCs! Share the Inspiration Torso Tags. Tea Bag Tags.

Jan 14, - Make your own Artist Trading Card Template for back of ATC's. (​the misspelling on these is driving me crazy. OCD, much?). Last year, I was introduced to artist trading cards, or ATCs. ATC work, and also some great tips and templates for those wanting to get started.

Read the details here. No folder. Templates for cutting atc cards. Compliments of kiwimonkey: ok, I drew up a simple little diagram in paint for ya.

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