Steam card seller

Steam card seller

One of the big ways Steam encourages people to use the client and interact with other people is its Steam Trading Cards system, where games dish out digital cards when you play them that you can then trade with other people. Steam allows you to put up some digital and in-game items on its Community Market, which can net you money in the form of Steam credit to spend on more games. While most trading cards only go for a few pennies, a select few can be pretty lucrative. In order to use the Steam Community Market to sell cards or anything else , Valve requires that you set up two-factor authentication with its Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator app. Sign in to the app with your Steam account to use it and activate two-factor authentication. Not every game on Steam issues trading cards, but if you find games that have some, procuring a few is as easy as installing a game and playing.

**(SOLUTION FOUND)** Fast way to sell Steam trading cards?

I wanted to ask if there is a quick way to mass sell Steam trading cards on the community market. I'm aware of the Steam inventory helper plugin, but having to verify every listing on my mobile phone is very time consuming. In the end I used this tutorial , and it worked as it should. Sadly, I think Valve hates us all I don't have a smartphone so I'm stuck with 15 days ontop a confirmation mail.

Thanks Valve Use WinAuth. You'll still have to confirm each one, but they will all be on the same page at least. Use ASF. Didn't find anything about market confirmation. I've been afraid to test this even on a virtual machine since I heard it's a big security risk. The security issue consists in the fact that you're beating the point of two-factor authentication. Think of ATM cards not credit cards , which, at least in Europe, can be used to pay in shop. They work on two-factor security, too: having the card in your hands and knowing the PIN number.

If you write the number on the card itself, you collapse the two factors on one. In the same way, if you run the TAN generator on the same machine where you login, you weaken tw-factor security because an attacker controlling such machine will control all factors. This is why mobile phones are used to generate TANs. A virtual machine doesn't make much of a difference because the attacker would be likely to be able to access that, too. But Winauth doesn't pose security risks of itself.

It justs beats the purpose of the whole thing. FInally, if you destroy or lose access to the VM running Winauth, it's the same thing as if you lost the smartphone you use to generate TANs the proper way. Meaning: it happens, but it will probably raise a flag if it happens too often. Except these days you can just tap your card to pay for small purchases without any other verification thanks to NFC.

I don't know why you said "except": I agree with what you wrote but I don't think it contradicts my words which were a mere explanation. In any case, I don't use NFC! Just as an example of how people don't want or need useless security hassle for things they consider not worth it. So many pick running the auth on PC instead of the horrible crapp that's almost useless for anyone who does bit more trading.

So the except was just for banks and credit cards having less security for your money than Steam has for your couple cent cards, not really to contradict what you said. Got it. It's true that Steam's security infrastructure feels a bit overkill right now. The fact is probably that they don't have and don't want to build the support infrastructure required to properly manage what is in fact an economy involving trade, commerce and crime. So they decided to focus on prevention, at the expense of user convenience.

Ah, Canada. You know, for being one of the best places on Earth, your communication infrastructure even in cities kinda sucks. A lot. My condolences. Harsh words. I know all about desktop authenticators Decreased security due to 3rd party software. Requirement to each time you start up Steam, which is about 5x per day for me. And even if one was to go through all that trouble, you would still need to do another stupid change, authorise each and every single sale of a 5-cent card.

Which is beyond ridicilous and like the OP, who really wants to do so much shit. Easier just to stop giving Valve money. I got tired of that too, so I got bluestacks. It's like an android emulator in it's own way. Completely free and the Steam mobile authenticator works on it, suggest it to anyone who doesn't like the wait and doesn't have a smartphone. I've tried both and Winauth is definitely the way to go.

Just make sure to set a password for logging into it at a bare minimum, and also use its "export" function to backup the data onto a USB stick or whatever. Nope, not really you could always trade all of them for a game or something, but I think a lot of people just want cards for cards , might be worth it to try and make yourself a trading topic.

Jeha but why don't keep a limit like before. No confirmation needed for stuff under 20 cent or something. The thing is, he needs to buy them as well. If I have an item for 0. So with cheap and generic items it's next to impossible to make profit. Even if there are no Buyers you make 50 dollars with 0,1 cards.

That is just not worth the effort. Even if you say there are people that want this pain in the ass, just implement a setting in the authentificator under what value you don't want to confirm and if you get scammed out of it, volvo doesn't care. But no, because of a bunch of morons and whining kids, steam has to fuck everone in his ass. And then sell those. But you will lose some value,. Are they crazy? Now I wanted to sell around 10 cards for just cents, and I was forced to approve it also on my mobile phone!

Thought the same when the app came out. The second part of this would limit someone who obtains access to your account from dumping any high value items without approving it via the app. Guess Valve prefers to annoy us. Best solution is: Download a cellphone macro. Some are super simple to work with, and usually they work flawlessly, and best thing is that they are free!

I had one installed before steam mobile app came in to farm some games while my cell was charging during my sleep, and as soon as I saw the terrible accept system of the steam app, I instantly used the macro and solved my problem. Seriously, it's the ultimate best way to do it, even when it's only 5 listings, why do it manually when you can just let the macro do it? So I don't know if it works or not. Yup, making profit over the backs of many many others who just given up selling The Valve way I guess.

Pfff, so many hassle for an simple implementation from valve Hello guys, I wanted to ask if there is a quick way to mass sell Steam trading cards on the community market.

Is there a way to confirm the all at once, or a way to get rid of it? Thank you in advance. Check it out. Comment has been collapsed. I have more than cards that I want to sell, just my luck! Could you help me, much appreciated. Winauth is just as safe as idlemaster and asf. I would use ASF, it can accept the pending request automatically.

If you tell him to. You're welcome. What are you trying to say? I made a large post above why I decide not to use the desktop auth. Oh well, that means I'll have to manually confirm each one. Thanks Obama Valve! Thank you, will take a look into it. I'll probably try to find some time tomorrow to confirm each and everyone. Tapping your phone 20 times or so is so much work!

I heard that Steam inventory helper was sold to someone not so trusted recently. Can you recommend me one? Is there any tutorial on how to do it?

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I have a large number of steam trading cards and for me they are just filling up my inventory, I have no interest in doing anything with them except selling them. Sell them. I've made enough for several AAA games by selling cards.

Join , subscribers and get a daily digest of news, geek trivia, and our feature articles. Steam trading cards are basically free money. How much you can get depends on how many Steam games you own—and whether they have cards available or not. Steam trading cards are mostly what they sound like—digital trading cards that you get by playing games.

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Steam Gift Cards and Wallet Codes are an easy way to put money into your own Steam Wallet or give the perfect gift of games to your friend or family member. Steam Gift Cards work just like a gift certificate, while Steam Wallet Codes work just like a game activation code both of which can be redeemed on Steam for the purchase of games, software, wallet credit, and any other item you can purchase on Steam. You can buy them in thousands of retail stores or online shops using your local payment methods.

How to sell Steam Trading Cards

I wanted to ask if there is a quick way to mass sell Steam trading cards on the community market. I'm aware of the Steam inventory helper plugin, but having to verify every listing on my mobile phone is very time consuming. In the end I used this tutorial , and it worked as it should. Sadly, I think Valve hates us all I don't have a smartphone so I'm stuck with 15 days ontop a confirmation mail. Thanks Valve

How to Buy, Sell, and Use Steam Trading Cards

If this is your first time registering, please check your inbox for more information about the benefits of your Forbes account and what you can do next! If you're like me, you have scores of Steam trading cards sitting in your inventory. Instead of having pages of trading cards cluttering up your Steam inventory, you can sell them on the Steam Community Marketplace. However, there are a few things to keep in mind before selling your cards. Most importantly, Steam limits the number of Marketplace transactions in a calendar year to before you're required to provide Steam with your name, address, and Social Security Number. Because of this limit, you'll want to sell the most valuable cards first in case you hit listings. Secondly, if you have any desire to level up your Steam profile, you probably don't want to sell your trading cards. It's much cheaper to complete sets if you have a few of the cards already, and you don't want to regret selling your trading cards.

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By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy , Privacy Policy , and our Terms of Service. Arqade is a question and answer site for passionate videogamers on all platforms. It only takes a minute to sign up. I have a large number of steam trading cards and for me they are just filling up my inventory, I have no interest in doing anything with them except selling them.

How To Bulk Sell Your Extra Steam Trading Cards

Steam Trading Cards are virtual trading cards that you can earn for free by playing certain games through the Steam platform. Each card features unique artwork that's provided by the developer of the associated game. You can sell these cards on the Steam Community Market , trade them with your friends, and craft them into badges that you can then display on your Steam Community profile. Search the Steam store for games that include the Steam Trading Cards tag to find games that can give you Steam Cards. Some free to play games even provide them, but only if you've spent money on in-game purchases. Steam Trading Cards have two main purposes. You can sell them for Steam Wallet cash, which you can then use to buy various in-game items on the Steam Community Marketplace, and games on the regular Steam Store. If you obtain a full set of cards for any given game, you can also craft them together to receive rewards. There are a few ways to get Steam Cards, but the only way to obtain them for free is by playing games on Steam. When a game includes Steam Card support, you'll earn them just by playing the game.

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Selling all your steam trading cards has become a huge chore. It used to be easy with the legendary Steam Inventory Helper, but it was turned into malware by a new Russian owner. Many newcomers have tried to make plugins to do the same job but most of them are broken or just terrible to use. We have finally found a fantastic alternative to keep your Steam Inventory in check. This tool does a lot more than just sell all trading cards with one click. Steam Economy Enhancer is actually a script that you have add to your browser. It activates every time you visit steam in your browser. That means it is light-weight and is not running on any other pages.

Sell ALL Your Steam Trading Cards with 1 Click

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