Форекс календарь экономических событий

Форекс календарь экономических событий

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Экономический календарь

Economic Calendar. Add widget to your website. Economic calendar This is an indispensable tool for fundamental analysis of financial markets based on economic news. More than indices of the world's largest economies are based on real-time data collected from public sources. Follow news in the Economic Calendar Add to website. Labor Day. Constitution Memorial Day. Greenery Day. Markit Manufacturing PMI. Sentix Investor Confidence. Absa Manufacturing PMI. Total New Vehicle Sales. Factory Orders excl.

Nondefense Capital Goods Shipments excl. Trade Balance. AIG Construction Index. Children's Day. Anniversary of the Battle of Puebla. RBA Rate Statement. Consumer Climate. Government Budget Balance. Unemployment Change. Consumer Confidence. Markit Services PMI. Markit Composite PMI.

GDT Price Index. Unemployment Rate. Participation Rate. Markit PMI. RBA Chart Pack. Foreign Exchange Flows. Foreign Exchange Reserves. AIG Services Index. Current Account. Buddha Purnima. Vesak Day. Caixin Services PMI. Caixin Composite PMI. Trade Balance USD. Unemployment Rate n. BoE Financial Stability Report. BoE Monetary Policy Report. BoE Interest Rate Decision.

BoE QE Total. Industrial Investment Forecast. Foreign Currency Reserves. Consumer Confidence Indicator. Consumer Confidence Indicator n.

Challenger Job Cuts. Initial Jobless Claims. Continuing Jobless Claims. Initial Jobless Claims 4-Week Average. Ivey PMI. Ivey PMI n. Eurogroup Meeting. Victory Day. Early May Bank Holiday. Current Account n. Trade Balance n. Gross International Reserves.

Net International Reserves. Gross Fixed Investments n. CPI s. Employment Change. Full-Time Employment Change. Part-Time Employment Change.

Nonfarm Payrolls. Average Weekly Hours. Government Payrolls. Private Nonfarm Payrolls. U6 Unemployment Rate. Manufacturing Payrolls. BoJ Summary of Opinions. PBC New Loans. Registered Unemployment Rate. Riksbank Monetary Policy Meeting Minutes. CB Employment Trends Index. International Reserves.

The real-time Economic Calendar covering economic events and indicators from all over the You will receive alerts 30 minutes before each event. To trade Forex through fundamental analysis, you have to check how economies over the​. View our fast-updating and interactive economic calendar for important events and releases that affect the forex, stocks and commodities markets.

The figure gives hint of strength in the retail sector and influences interest rate decisions. A high number is generally positive bullish for the New Zealand dollar, while a weak number is seen as negative bearish. BoJ Summary of Opinions Link.

We are offering you a selection of editorially curated preview of relevant macroeconomic events and how to trade them.

Economic Calendar. Add widget to your website. Economic calendar This is an indispensable tool for fundamental analysis of financial markets based on economic news.

Economic Calendar

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