Trading card art

Trading card art

PREP: Cut watercolor paper into 2. Let dry, dab. Rub off when dry. Lemon juice dropped on a watercolor art trading cards will make some pretty cool shapes if left to sit for a few minutes.

Introduction to Artist Trading Cards – What are ATCs?

Join the movement! View our products: Envelopes. Black Board Artist Trading Cards. Bamboo Artist Trading Cards. ATC Sleeves. ATC Frame Cards. Assorted Pack Artist Trading Cards. What are artist trading cards? Artist trading cards ATCs are miniature pieces of art that are traded around the world. Artists create, trade and collect art at organized "swap" events, either in person or online.

The only official rule for ATCs is the size: 2. How did the movement start? In , M. Vanci Stirnemann, a Swiss artist, created cards by hand as part of an exhibit. On the last day, he invited others to create their own cards and trade with him during the closing reception.

The movement took off, and today, there are ATC swaps in almost every major city around the world. There are also many online swaps. How do I create ATCs? Most swaps are open to any media, materials or techniques as long as the card fits into a standard trading card sleeve. ATCs are traded, not sold. However, there are some artists who choose to sell cards.

How do I trade cards? You can locate an in-person swap in your area, find an online swap, or organize your own swap. There are a number of Web sites that others have created to help artists get started.

What are artist trading cards? Artist trading cards (ATCs) are miniature pieces of art that are traded around the world. Artists create, trade and collect art at. Artist Trading Cards. Art Trading Cards, Artist Card, Atc Cards, School Art Projects, Art Programs.

An artist trading card or ATC for short is a tiny, original piece of art created with the intention of swapping or trading it with another artist, not selling it. The one rule an artist trading card must adhere to is the size. An ATC must be 2. That's the size of the original collectible sports trading cards. On the front of an ATC, an artist creates an original work to showcase their art.

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He called it a Collaborative Cultural Performance. In , Stirnemann began making small artworks the size of commercial trading cards.

4 Practical Tips for a Successful Artist Trading Card Experience

I now have 75 schools from interstate and overseas and can't accept anymore! Thank you so much! Details will be posted tomorrow. I still need about 40 West Australian classes. School in Australia goes back next week!!

Art Trading Cards for Kids

They are fun, economical, friendly and exciting. The artist trading card is said to have been born in in Switzerland when M. Since then this small art form has grown very large in popularity and many artists and crafters are embracing the concept. Each ATC should be exactly 3. This is the same size as a standard trading card such as a baseball card and many playing cards. Most are rectangular but some artists do experiment with arched tops etc. The ATC is supposed to be a trading card and so should have a little thickness to it. Even the fabric ones are not too flimsy. Some artists like to include things that fold or swing out of the card.

I am the author of three middle-grade children's books, and I blog on the side.

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Artist Trading Cards

Donations are accepted and needed! Your donation is not only greatly appreciated, but also is what keeps us on line! Members can donate through the "Paid Subscriptions" link in their Settings Page. Thank you! Thank you to the following members who either became Friends of AFA, renewed their accounts or donated a second time to help defray the server cost this month:. Remember Me? Our focus is on friendly ATC and mail art trading and swapping in a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere. Everyone is welcome here. All mediums are welcome too--stamping, painting, drawing, collage, mixed media, fabric, clay--you name it, we do it! And we don't just trade ATCs; there is a lot going on here. This includes chunky books, inchies, rinchines, twinchies, charms, art journals, altered art, Rolodex and rolo trading, and much more. We also have a gallery and trader rating system to facilitate trading between members and keep our community growing. We hope that you will join our family of art lovers and join us in trading art! All rights reserved.

Artist trading cards

Join the movement! View our products: Envelopes. Black Board Artist Trading Cards. Bamboo Artist Trading Cards. ATC Sleeves. ATC Frame Cards. Assorted Pack Artist Trading Cards.

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